Conest Video Library

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As the leader in electrical estimating software solutions, we at Conest believe in empowering our users with knowledge and technical proficiency. Our video library serves as a rich resource platform designed to help you understand and navigate through our software offerings with ease and confidence. You’ll find a range of intuitive tutorials, detailed walkthroughs, and informative product demonstrations spanning our entire software suite. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or new to the Conest ecosystem, there’s something in our video library for everyone, from beginners’ guides to advanced usage tips.

IntelliBid Electrical Estimating


Introduction to IntelliBid Electrical Estimating Software (5:48 minutes)

Overview of IntelliBid Estimating Software (19:55 minutes)

The Top 5 IntelliBid Features (6:33 minutes)

Getting Started

Adding a New Job (2:40 minutes)

Adding Basic Items (9 minutes)

Adding Companies (5:44 minutes)

Adding Custom Libraries & Catalogs (5 minutes)

Advanced Breakout (9 minutes)

Adding Items From EPIC To IntelliBid (2:11 minutes)

Advanced Phase Tree (11 minutes)

Auto Labor Factoring (5 minutes)

Bid Alternates (11 minutes)

Complete Estimate using IntelliBid & SureCount (21 minutes)

Count Sheets (3 minutes)

Change Orders Feature (5:44 minutes)

Create a Basic Assembly Part 1 (9 minutes)

Create a Basic Assembly Part 2 (9 minutes)

Creating a Change Order (10 minutes)

Creating a Job from Start to Finish (43 minutes)

Creating Basic Assemblies (8 part series; approx. 35 minutes)

Database Structure (3 minutes)

Easily Create a Bid Template Option (3 minutes)

Electrical Formulas (10 minutes)

How to Backup your IntelliBid Database (7 minutes)

Importing Items from Excel (6 minutes)

Import, Export, Check-In, and Check-Out (11 minutes)

Importing Special Items (5 minutes)

Industrial Projects (22 minutes)

IntelliBid and JobTrac Change Orders Part 1 (13 minutes)

IntelliBid Estimating Software – Overview (19:55 minutes)

IntelliBid Import Export Check-In Out (11 minutes)

IntelliBid Quick Start Tutorial (18 minutes)

IntelliBid Takeoff Icons and Basic Database Structure (10 minutes)

MS Project Export from IntelliBid (1:33 minutes)

Permanently Setting Tax Rates (2:05 minutes)

Permanently Setting Up Your Bid Template (4 minutes)

Quick and Easy Estimates (20 minutes)

Replacing an Assembly Item in the Item Library (6:39 minutes)

Setting Preferences in IntelliBid (7:16 minutes)

Setting Up Email (3:15 minutes)

Setting Up Job Specs (7:16 minutes)

Setting Up Users and User Access (4:35 minutes)

Smart Substitution (2 minutes)

Temporary Assemblies Part 1 (8 minutes)

Temporary Assemblies Part 2 (4 minutes)

Using Comments (3:45 minutes)

Webinar – IntelliBid Basic Takeoff (46:29 minutes)


Alternate Price Updating Part 1 (4 minutes)

Alternate Price Updating Part 2 (6 minutes)

EPIC Price Updating (5:11 minutes)

IntelliBid Setting Up NetPricer and Netpak (7 minutes)

Importing Vendor Pricing Into Summary (2:41 minutes)

Pricing Options 1: Manual Pricing In Summary (2:15 minutes)

Pricing Options 2: Importing Vendor Prices Into Summary (2:47 minutes)

Pricing Options 3: Saving Prices From Summary To The Master Database (2:17 minutes)

Pricing Options 4: Updating Master Database From Vendor Excel File (7:43 minutes)

Updating IntelliBid Prices From EPIC (3:51 minutes)

Updating Prices with NetPricer (2:36 minutes)

Setting Up NetPricer and NetPak (7 minutes)

Using ‘Maintenance’

Cost Codes – Part One: Changing Cost Codes (1:35 minutes)

Cost Codes – Part Two: Replacing Cost Codes (2 minutes)

Cost Codes – Part Three: Adding New Cost Codes (1:41 minutes)

Cost Codes – Part Four: Filtering Cost Codes (2:47 minutes)

Cost Codes – Part Five: Editing Cost Codes by the Header (1:44 minutes)

Jump to Item Maintenance (44 seconds)


Branch Wiring Takeoff (4:57 minutes)

Cable Tray Takeoff (3:43 minutes)

Creating Fixture Schedules with ‘Specials’ (3:00 minutes)

Data/Low Voltage Takeoff – Extended (29 minutes)

Feeders Takeoff (5:33 minutes)

Fixtures Takeoff (5:58 minutes)

HVAC Takeoff (4:46 minutes)

Linear Fixtures Takeoff (4:39 minutes)

Low Voltage Takeoff (5:30 minutes)

Performing Takeoff (25 minutes)

Receptacles Takeoff (3:13 minutes)

Site Lighting Takeoff (3:56 minutes)

Site Utilities Takeoff (4:44 minutes)

Switches and Light Controls Takeoff (4:09 minutes)

Switchgear and Panels Takeoff (4:02 minutes)

Takeoff Icons and Basic Database Structure (9 minutes)

Using ‘Summary’

Importing Vendor Pricing in Summary (2:41 minutes)

Sorting in Summary (2:17 minutes)

Using Takeoff Find in Summary (1:51 minutes)

SureCount Digital Takeoff

Conest Connect Analytics & Reporting

JobTrac Project Management

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